Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby Update: October Edition

I can't believe I'm already 22 weeks pregnant. I also can't believe the baby is measuring at 23 weeks. That means there is an 11.5 inch child inside me. Seriously? I don't understand where because I feel like my belly isn't really all that big. Baby also weighs a little over 1 lb.

Today my Mom got to come along for the check up. I think she liked coming, even though the appointment is really short. They just check the growth, listen to the heart, and then send me along. I did ask him to check the gender again. Still a girl, thank goodness!

Basically everything is just normal. Growth is good. I haven't gained too much weight. Feeling fine. Totally normal.

At least I'm able to feel the baby move now. Not all the time and the kicks aren't too forceful, but I suppose its coming. They do get stronger as the week goes on.

So...since the ultrasound photo just shows a blob, I figured I share a picture of my fur-baby instead.

She's a Liverpool fan. John converted her. Or maybe this week shes a Cardinals fan.

Dottie's doing really good too. She went on a bit of a diet, and I think its working. Not that she needed to loose much, but she's gotten a bit more lazy now that she's nearly two. She's my little snuggle girl.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet both the fur baby and the baby baby! I plan to come out when I'm needed and make some dinners for you and John.
