Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keeping Sane in the Workplace

My office...its in the basement. I work in a windowless room with two other ladies. I like my coworkers very much, but that gets to me sometimes.

So, how do I beat the blues.

Always take a lunch break and if possible go outside. Here's a little sun-dappled knitting project on a bench near work. Today it was in the 80s and really nice to feel sunshine. Even if its too cold to go outside I find a place to eat near windows. Windows!

Find a quiet place to recharge. Recognize this park? It was featured heavily in the movie '500 days of Summer'. It also happens to be about a block from my job. Sunshine, a light breeze, and a chance to appreciate the local architecture. Add a sandwich and I'm all set.

When all else fails...pretend you're in elementary school and its snack time.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm....chocolate milk.....I try to get out and take a creek walk on my long days at work. And being able to bike to work helps. Sadly, those days are probably over for a while, except on special occasions.

    I didn't know you had to work in a basement!
